Hide and Seek (2000)


Hide and Seek is a thriller that focuses on a childless couple who kidnap a woman in order for her to have a baby for them. The unhinged plot is matched by a totally unhinged performance from Jennifer Tilly in the lead role of the female member of the childless couple. She is positively bonkers! The film really makes best use of her irritating childish voice and persona, it suits the character so well! The film features a fairly esteemed cast alongside Tilly, which includes Daryl Hannah, Bruce Greenwood and Vincent Gallo. Much of the film takes place in a dank house in the middle of nowhere. There’s a real claustrophobic feel to it and the proceedings are really dark, despite the odd moment of humour. Honestly it’s far too long and much of a muchness. The story is really a slow boil and there’s not a great deal of escalation until the final third when things really start to get out of hand. It is further harmed by the two dimensional characters that never grow beyond their basic desires established in the first act. That being said; it’s not all bad, though I probably wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who is not a Jennifer Tilly fan!

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