Hell Hole (2022)


In 1957, in Lower Silesia, a priest ran away with a baby and attempted to murder them at a church. The priest called the baby the “seed of evil” and raised a dagger to end the baby’s life. The police entered the scene and shot the priest before he could harm the baby. The baby had a scar on the left side of its chest. The scar marks the baby as “evil,” and the fact that the baby was saved confirms the return of Evil in the film.

After twenty years, a priest, Father Marek, goes to an eerie-looking church that the Prior refers to as the “sanitorium.” Those who were considered to have been possessed by the Devil were sent to the facility for treatment. Father Marek was an exorcist. He joined the sanitorium to help with their mission. The facility did not have electricity or a phone, meaning that there was no way to contact the world outside. After settling in his room, the father opened his suitcase to reveal a secret chamber in it where he stored a gun, a torch, and other essential goods that were not permitted within the premises. Clearly, Father Marek was aware of something sinister happening at the sanitorium. He had a newspaper cutting of a woman who disappeared, further explaining that he might have joined the sanitorium to find out what had happened to the woman. But what was even more interesting was that the father had the same mark that the baby possessed, indicating that the baby grew up to be Father Marek.

While the mission of Father Marek seemed logical and calculated, the presence of the supernatural was undeniable. The cross in his room moved, the washroom mirror cracked at a touch, and a low gurgling noise could be heard from the wardrobe. Father Marek attended the exorcism of a woman at the facility. She was tied to the bed and the Prior chanted holy verses that made her scream and screech. The bed moved violently, a gust of wind blew when the girl screamed, and ultimately, the cross that the Prior was holding caught on fire. These were the signs of devil possession, and the woman seemed to be possessed by the evil spirit. But Father Marek doubted it all. At night, he went into the chamber where the exorcism was performed and found it was all staged. There was a special mechanism that made the bed move, there was a machine for the wind to gush, and the crucifix had a system to light the fire. It is clear that the exorcism was a scam, but what happened to the girls after the alleged exorcism?

 ~ DMT

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